In Few Words, AGZIA is an AgFood knowledge and Investment Partner specifically created to cater a variety of needs in emerging markets.
AGZIA's global network of experts across the Food supply chain, come from a broad range of expertise;

Investments Strategists
Process Engineers
Food Engineers

At AGZIA we gave a new flair to consultancy.
Loving our network of industry friends and partners, we strengthen our involvement in any given project with an organically driven networking, solidifying any value added solution we propose.
The multidisciplinary approach given to our projects allow us to deliver unprecedented holistic solutions to greenfield projects, expansion projects and M&A deals.
Mostly, our first time clients next time partners, are typically Agro Food Investor, Established Food Processing Companies, Food Distribution Companies, Agro Food Governmental and Semi Governmental Organizations, Food Dreamers and Food Techy startupers.
You can check out few of the concept teasers we have presented in here, that's the tip of the iceberg, get in touch to pick our brains for more…
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Food Industry Brainiacs

Olaf Abi Aad

Chirine Watfa

Mirna Rouphael

Jake Shirikian

Manolis Trigkonis

Jihad Daher

Shakil Khan