Bakery Business Plan

Do You Have A Bakery Business Idea?

Make Your Dream Bakery Into Reality, We Can Get You Starting, Operating and Profiting!

Let's help you plan your bakery business the right way.

Did you know that the MENA boasts a substantial market size for bakery and snacking, with an estimated value of USD130.10bn in 2025 and growing at an impressive 9.2% annually?! 

Take advantage of the opportunity to tap into this lucrative market!!

Start Your Industrial Bakery Business Plan!

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Did you know that the MENA boasts a substantial market size for bakery and snacking, with an estimated value of USD130.10bn in 2025 and growing at an impressive 9.2% annually?! 

Take advantage of the opportunity to tap into this lucrative market!!

Opening an industrial bakery, snackery, or a cakery is a good idea, but make sure you have answers on key questions to start:

  • Do I have a proper Costing and Financial Projection for my bakery venture?
  • Can I build the business in such a way to make it different to compete with?
  • Do I understand all Ingredient Technologies that come into play for my bakery?
  • Am I exposed to all different Processing Solutions to get the most of my bakery investment?
  • What USPs Unique Selling Propositions can I have for my bakery?
  • Where can I find a consultant to help me start my bakery?
  • What risks are associated with opening my bakery, and are there any re-risking measures to consider?
  • …. 

You came to right place looking for answers.

Whether you're seeking:

To Startup a new Industrial Bakery, Snackery or Cakery

Expand, Automate or Enhance an existing Industrial Bakery Plant

Strategically Acquire or Sell an existing Industrial Bakery Business

AGZIA Food Industry Brainiacs is your trusted partner in unlocking the full potential of your Investments in the Bakery and Snacking sector.

  • Hack your way to Profitability since project inception
  • Conceptualize a Smart Venture to Your Investment Size and Financial Goals
  • Maximize your Margins and get more comfortable exploring new markets
  • Win market penetration through shelf-life extension 
  • Get Exposed to the latest Processing Solutions applicable to your concept
  • Integrate cutting-edge Ingredient Technologies, increase the barriers against your competition
  • Build cleverly Engineered growing models
  • Expand your Professional Food Industry network across key players of the supply chain
  • Avoid mistakes and mitigate risks
  • Seamlessly benefit from a Multidisciplinary team of Food Experts

The idea of investing in this sector is frustrating; we understand that. However, opportunities reside in the voids. 

Similar to other food sectors, the Baking and Snacking industry faces challenges amid global unrest and geopolitical changes. Governments are prioritizing local production and protectionist measures to boost food security, resulting in increased focus on staple foods. However, this emphasis has created a gap in the market for innovative, high-value products. This gap presents opportunities for investors and innovators to meet the demand for value added offerings, driving growth, differentiation and most importantly Profits in the industry.

Why Investing in this Sector?


Similar to other food sectors, the Baking and Snacking industry faces challenges amid global unrest and geopolitical changes. Governments are prioritizing local production and protectionist measures to boost food security, resulting in increased focus on staple foods. However, this emphasis has created a gap in the market for innovative, high-value products. This gap presents opportunities for investors and innovators to meet the demand for value added offerings, driving growth, differentiation and most importantly Profits in the industry.

Mitigate Your Business Risks By Planning Right With The Best Consultants

At AGZIA Food Industry Brainiacs, our focus is on delivering exceptional value by identifying and defining investment opportunities in the Bakery and Snacking sector through:

Precise Value Creation & Financial Acumen

High Customization & Adaptability to Product / Market Fit

Innovative Process Engineering & Manufacturing Solution

Know the Food Venture you are about to onboard. Have a full grasp of the intricate details down to the grain of salt.

An engaging exercise led by AGZIA to shed lights on:

  • Investment Strategies securing Highest Bang against the Buck
  • Product market combination (PMC), which to explore and which to avoid
  • Market landscape, realities, challenges, opportunities, competitions etc…
  • Product Technologies & Functional Ingredients and Packaging get the needed clarity on what makes or breaks your envisioned venture
  • Logistics and distribution models for mature or emerging markets modeling
  • Organizational structure of the company and its evolution through the years to cope with the business growth
  • Optimized Costing models translating into Profits
  • Risk mitigation measures, what could they be how can they be imbedded in the venture
  • How all the above interact, and affect the investment return metrics
  • Possible growth opportunities beyond the defined scope

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Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec sed odio dui. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Johny Baldon
CEO at Turus Berkarya

Our team's multidisciplinary expertise allows us to delve into every aspect of your investment opportunity, seasoned professionals will contribute:

  • Investment Professionals & Strategists with more than 30 years exposure to financial planning and M&A expertise
  • Industrial Design Engineers with more than 60 years of combined expertise
  • Food Technologists with more than 20 years hands on expertise
  • Food Marketeers with more than 20 years of regional specific expertise
  • And a combination of more than 100 years of C-level executives who have fine-tuned the game of top Food Brands

Olaf Abi Aad

15 Years | Strategy | Investment | Business Planning |Financial Modelling | Fund Raising |Business Development |

Chirine Watfa

13 Years | Nutritional Sciences | Business Development | Menu Engineering | Catering Services | Franchise Operations

Mirna Rouphael

15 Years | Project Management | Salty Snacks | Project Engineering | New Product Development | Packaging Expertise

Jake Shirikian

30 Years | Industrial Engineering | Food Process Engineering | Food Processing Management | | Dairy | Bakery

Manolis Trigkonis

33 Years | Strategy | Investment | Change Leadership | Building High-Performance Teams | Executive General Management Expertise across Food & Beverage Retail | CPG | B2B | FMCG |Agricultural Commodities

Jihad Daher

15 Years | Industrial Food Start-ups | Farm Operations Management | Liquid and Proteins Manufacturing | Project Management

Phillipe Jeantot

25 Years | Manufacturing Operations| Plant Management |Industrial Research and Development | New Product Development |

Abdallah Ghorayeh

20 years | Chocolate & Gelato Expertise | Food Industry General Management | Business Development & Expansion Strategies


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